Package Index - XAdES4j

xades4j XAdES4j - a Java library to produce and verify XML Advanced Electronic Signatures.
xades4j.algorithms Representations of algorithms, such as C14N and transforms.
xades4j.production Support for signature production. Types that represent the different XAdES qualifying properties. Low-level representation of the qualifying properties information and corresponing structural verification.
xades4j.providers Interfaces for the different components in signature production and verification.
xades4j.providers.impl Implementations (default and other) of the different providers.
xades4j.utils Utility classes used in the library, which may also be usefull outside.
xades4j.verification Support for signature verification.
xades4j.xml.bind Support for JAXB marshalling/unmarshalling, used by the default.
xades4j.xml.bind.xades JAXB classes for XAdES XML types.
xades4j.xml.bind.xmldsig JAXB classes for XML-DSIG XML types.
xades4j.xml.marshalling Types related to marshalling the qualifying properties data.
xades4j.xml.marshalling.algorithms Types related to marshalling of parameters of the different algorithms.
xades4j.xml.unmarshalling Types related to unmarshalling the qualifying properties data during signature verification.