xades4j | XAdES4j - a Java library to produce and verify XML Advanced Electronic Signatures. |
xades4j.algorithms | Representations of algorithms, such as C14N and transforms. |
xades4j.production | Support for signature production. |
xades4j.properties | Types that represent the different XAdES qualifying properties. |
xades4j.properties.data | Low-level representation of the qualifying properties information and corresponing structural verification. |
xades4j.providers | Interfaces for the different components in signature production and verification. |
xades4j.providers.impl | Implementations (default and other) of the different providers. |
xades4j.utils | Utility classes used in the library, which may also be usefull outside. |
xades4j.verification | Support for signature verification. |
xades4j.xml.bind | Support for JAXB marshalling/unmarshalling, used by the default. |
xades4j.xml.bind.xades | JAXB classes for XAdES XML types. |
xades4j.xml.bind.xmldsig | JAXB classes for XML-DSIG XML types. |
xades4j.xml.marshalling | Types related to marshalling the qualifying properties data. |
xades4j.xml.marshalling.algorithms | Types related to marshalling of parameters of the different algorithms. |
xades4j.xml.unmarshalling | Types related to unmarshalling the qualifying properties data during signature verification. |