The entry points for producing a signature is the XadesVerificationProfile
class which enables the creation of a XadesVerifier
The library supports verification of XAdES-BES, XAdES-EPES, XAdES-T and XAdES-C.
A signature being verified can also be augmented to XAdES-T, XAdES-C, XAdES-X and XAdES-X-L.
CustomSignatureVerifier | Interface for custom signature verifiers. |
QualifyingPropertyVerifier<TData extends PropertyDataObject> | Verifies a property accordingly to the XAdES verification rules. |
RawSignatureVerifier | Interface for verifiers that are applied after signature unmarshalling and before any actual verification. |
XadesVerifier | Interface for a verifier of signatures. |
PropertyInfo | |
QualifyingPropertyVerificationContext | The context available during the verification of the qualifying properties. |
QualifyingPropertyVerificationContext.CertificationChainData | |
QualifyingPropertyVerificationContext.SignedObjectsData | The find methods assume that object references are same-document references. |
RawDataObjectDesc | A simple representation of a signed data object. |
RawSignatureVerifier.RawSignatureVerifierContext | The context for RawSignatureVerifier s. |
SignatureSpecificVerificationOptions | Represents verification options that are specific to a signature, i.e., options that are not profile-wide. |
XadesVerificationProfile | A profile for signature verification. |
XAdESVerificationResult | The result of signature verification. |
XAdESForm | The different XAdES signature forms. |
CommitmentTypeVerificationException | Thrown during verification of the CommitmentTypeIndication property if
it contains an object reference that doesn't match any Reference in the
signature. |
CompleteCertRefsCertNotFoundException | Thrown during verification of the CompleteCertificateRefs property if
a reference for a certificate in the certification path is not found in the
property. |
CompleteCertRefsReferenceException | Thrown during verification of the CompleteCertificateRefs property if
the digest on a reference doesn't match the actual digest of the corresponding
certificate. |
CompleteCertRefsVerificationException | Base for exceptions during verification of the CompleteCertificateRefs
property. |
CompleteRevocRefsCRLsNotAvailableException | Thrown during verification of the CompleteRevocationRefs property if
no CRLs were supplied when validating the signing certificate. |
CompleteRevocRefsReferenceException | Thrown during the verification of the CompleteRevocationRefs property
if a CRL reference cannot be verified or is not found. |
CompleteRevocRefsVerificationException | Base for exceptions during verification of the CompleteRevocationRefs
property. |
CoreVerificationException | Base for errors when the core (XML-DSIG) verification fails. |
CounterSignatureSigValueRefException | Throw during validation of the CounterSignature property if the enclosed
signature doesn't reference the SignatureValue element of the countersigned
signature. |
CounterSignatureVerificationException | |
CounterSignatureXadesVerificationException | Throw during validation of the CounterSignature property if the XAdES
verification of the signature fails. |
DataObjectFormatMismatchException | Thrown during validation of the DataObjectFormat property if the corresponding
Reference references an Object and mime-type and/or encoding
in the property an in the Object are not equal. |
DataObjectFormatReferenceException | Thrown during validation of the DataObjectFormat property if the target
Reference cannot be found. |
DataObjectFormatVerificationException | Base for exceptions during verification of the DataObjectFormat property. |
InvalidFormExtensionException | Thrown during signature verification (with form extension) when the form transition is invalid. |
InvalidKeyInfoDataException | Thrown during the verification process if the KeyInfo element doesn't
include the needed data to identify the signing certificate. |
InvalidPropertyException | Base for exceptions thrown during the validation of qualifying properties. |
InvalidSignatureException | Base exception for signature verification errors. |
InvalidXAdESFormException | Thrown when the signature doesn't fulfill the rules for the XAdES forms. |
PropertyVerifierErrorException | |
QualifyingPropertiesIncorporationException | Thrown during signature verification if the signature doesn't fulfill the properties incorporation rules. |
QualifyingPropertyVerifierNotAvailableException | Thrown during the verification of qualifyig properties if a verifier is not found for one of the property data objects. |
ReferenceValueException | Thrown during signature verification when the core verification fails due to reference validation. |
SignaturePolicyCannotDigestException | Thrown during verification of the SignaturePolicyIdentifier property
if the digest of the policy document cannot be calculated (the algorithm is not
available). |
SignaturePolicyDigestMismatchException | Thrown during verification of the SignaturePolicyIdentifier property
if the actual digest of the policy document and the digest contained in the
property are different. |
SignaturePolicyNotAvailableException | Thrown during verification of the SignaturePolicyIdentifier property
if there is an error acessing the policy document stream. |
SignaturePolicyVerificationException | Base for exceptions during verification of the SignaturePolicyIdentifier
property. |
SignatureValueException | Thrown during signature verification if the process fails due to an invalid signature value but the references digests are correct. |
SigningCertificateCertsNotInCertPathException | Thrown during verification of the SigningCertificate property if the
property contains one or more references to certificates that are not part of
the certification path. |
SigningCertificateIssuerSerialMismatchException | Thrown during verification of the SigningCertificate property if the
issuer/serial on KeyInfo is different from the one in the signing certificate
reference. |
SigningCertificateReferenceException | Thrown during verification of the SigningCertificate property if the
validation of one of the certificate references fails. |
SigningCertificateReferenceNotFoundException | Thrown during verification of the SigningCertificate property if a reference
for the signing certificate is not present in the property. |
SigningCertificateVerificationException | Base for exceptions during verification of the SigningCertificate property. |
SigningTimeVerificationException | Thrown during verification of the SigningTime property if the time contained
in the property is not before the verification time. |
TimeStampCoherenceException | Thrown during signature verification if the time-stamps contained in the signature are not coherent. |
TimeStampDigestInputException | Thrown during verification of time-stamp properties if the input for digest calculation cannot be created. |
TimeStampDigestMismatchException | Thrown during verification of time-stamp properties if the actual digest of the data covered by the time-stamp is different from the digest within the time-stamp. |
TimeStampInvalidSignatureException | Thrown during verification of time-stamp properties if the signature of a time-stamp token cannot be verified |
TimeStampInvalidTokenException | Thrown during verification of time-stamp properties if the token's structure (format) is invalid. |
TimeStampVerificationException | Base for exceptions during verification of time-stamp properties. |
UnexpectedJCAException | Thrown if there is an unexpected error when using the JCA. |