Algorithm | Represents algorithms used on the signature, such as data object transforms, signature algorithms or canonicalization algorithms. |
AlgorithmParametersBindingsModule | Contains the Guice bindings for the components on this package. |
AlgorithmParametersMarshaller<TAlgorithm extends Algorithm> | A marshaller for parameters of a specific algorithm type. |
AlgorithmsParametersMarshallingProvider | Marshaller of parameters of any algorithm. |
AlgorithmsProvider | This interface is deprecated. This interface is deprecated and might be removed in future versions. |
AlgorithmsProviderEx | Interface for providers of algorithms information for signature production. |
AllDataObjsCommitmentTypeProperty | A commitment type that applies to all the signed data objects. |
AllDataObjsTimeStampData | |
AllDataObjsTimeStampProperty | Represents a time-stamp computed before the signature production, over the sequence
formed by ALL the ds:Reference elements within the ds:SignedInfo
referencing whatever the signer wants to sign except the SignedProperties element. |
AnonymousDataObjectReference | A null URI data reference. |
ArchiveTimeStampData | |
ArchiveTimeStampProperty | The xades141:ArchiveTimeStamp unsigned signature property. |
AuthenticatedTimeStampTokenProvider | A TimeStampTokenProvider that issues time-stamp requests
over HTTP using basic authentication. |
Base64 | Encodes and decodes to and from Base64 notation. |
Base64.InputStream | A Base64.InputStream will read data from another, given in the constructor,
and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly. |
Base64.OutputStream | A Base64.OutputStream will write data to another, given in the constructor,
and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly. |
Base64XmlAdapter | |
BaseCertRefsData | |
BaseEncapsulatedPKIData | DER-encoded data PKI data, such as certificates and CRLs. |
BaseXAdESTimeStampData | |
BasicSignatureOptionsProvider | Provides basic signature options such as whether ds:KeyInfo elements
should be included. |
BuiltIn | Indicates that a dependency should be resolved using the built in binding configuration even if the binding for the requested type has been overrided by the application. |
CannotAddDataToDigestInputException | Thrown when a Reference or a Node cannot be added to a
TimeStampDigestInput . |
CannotBuildCertificationPathException | Thrown when the CertificateValidationProvider cannot build a certification path. |
CannotSelectCertificateException | Thrown when there is no criteria to select the signing certificate. |
CanonicalXMLWithComments | The Canonical XML 1.0 with comments. |
CanonicalXMLWithoutComments | The Canonical XML 1.0 without comments. |
CertificateValidationException | Base for exceptions during certificate validation. |
CertificateValidationProvider | Provides validation of certificates. |
CertificateValuesData | |
CertificateValuesProperty | The CertificateValues is an optional unsigned property and qualifies
the XML signature. |
CertRef | |
CollectionUtils | Provides some utility methods over collections. |
CollectionUtils.Predicate<T> | |
CollectionUtils.Projector<T1, T2> | |
CommitmentTypeData | |
CommitmentTypeProperty | A commitment type that applies to some signed data objects. |
CommitmentTypePropertyBase | Base class for the CommitmentTypeIndication property. |
CommitmentTypeVerificationException | Thrown during verification of the CommitmentTypeIndication property if
it contains an object reference that doesn't match any Reference in the
signature. |
CompleteCertificateRefsData | |
CompleteCertificateRefsProperty | The CompleteCertificateRefs property which contains the sequence of
references to the full set of CA certificates that have been used to validate
the electronic signature up to (but not including) the signer's certificate. |
CompleteCertRefsCertNotFoundException | Thrown during verification of the CompleteCertificateRefs property if
a reference for a certificate in the certification path is not found in the
property. |
CompleteCertRefsReferenceException | Thrown during verification of the CompleteCertificateRefs property if
the digest on a reference doesn't match the actual digest of the corresponding
certificate. |
CompleteCertRefsVerificationException | Base for exceptions during verification of the CompleteCertificateRefs
property. |
CompleteRevocationRefsData | |
CompleteRevocationRefsProperty | The property contains a sequence of references to the full set of revocation
data that have been used in the validation of the signer and CA certificates. |
CompleteRevocRefsCRLsNotAvailableException | Thrown during verification of the CompleteRevocationRefs property if
no CRLs were supplied when validating the signing certificate. |
CompleteRevocRefsReferenceException | Thrown during the verification of the CompleteRevocationRefs property
if a CRL reference cannot be verified or is not found. |
CompleteRevocRefsVerificationException | Base for exceptions during verification of the CompleteRevocationRefs
property. |
CoreVerificationException | Base for errors when the core (XML-DSIG) verification fails. |
CounterSignatureProperty | Represents the CounterSignature unsigned signature property. |
CounterSignatureSigValueRefException | Throw during validation of the CounterSignature property if the enclosed
signature doesn't reference the SignatureValue element of the countersigned
signature. |
CounterSignatureVerificationException | |
CounterSignatureXadesVerificationException | Throw during validation of the CounterSignature property if the XAdES
verification of the signature fails. |
CrlExtensionsUtils | |
CRLRef | |
CustomPropertiesDataObjsStructureVerifier | |
CustomSignatureVerifier | Interface for custom signature verifiers. |
DataGetter<T> | |
DataGetterImpl<T> | |
DataObjectDesc | Base class for descriptions of the signed data objects. |
DataObjectFormatData | |
DataObjectFormatMismatchException | Thrown during validation of the DataObjectFormat property if the corresponding
Reference references an Object and mime-type and/or encoding
in the property an in the Object are not equal. |
DataObjectFormatProperty | Represents the DataObjectFormat signed data object property. |
DataObjectFormatReferenceException | Thrown during validation of the DataObjectFormat property if the target
Reference cannot be found. |
DataObjectFormatVerificationException | Base for exceptions during verification of the DataObjectFormat property. |
DataObjectPropertiesProvider | Represents a provider of data object properties. |
DataObjectProperty | Base class for all the data object properties. |
DataObjectProperty.TargetMultiplicity | Represents the number of data objects that a property can be applied to. |
DataObjectReference | A reference to a signed data object. |
DataObjectTransform | This class is deprecated. This class is deprecated and might be removed on future releases |
DateTimeXmlAdapter | |
DefaultAlgorithmsProvider | This class is deprecated. This class is deprecated and might be removed in future versions. |
DefaultAlgorithmsProviderEx | The default implementation of AlgorithmsProviderEx . |
DefaultBasicSignatureOptionsProvider | The default implementation of BasicSignatureOptionsProvider . |
DefaultMessageDigestProvider | The default implementation of MessageDigestEngineProvider . |
DefaultSignaturePropertiesProvider | The default implementation of SignaturePropertiesProvider . |
DefaultTimeStampTokenProvider | Default implementation of TimeStampTokenProvider . |
DefaultTimeStampVerificationProvider | Default implementation of TimeStampVerificationProvider . |
DirectKeyingDataProvider | An implementation of KeyingDataProvider that allows direct specification
of the signing key and certificate. |
DOMHelper | Utility methods for DOM nodes. |
Enveloped | Utility class to create enveloped signature. |
EnvelopedSignatureTransform | Represents an enveloped signature transform ( |
EnvelopedXmlObject | Represents content (tipically XML) that will be enveloped in the signature. |
ExclusiveCanonicalXML | Base class for representations of the Exclusive XML Canonicalization 1.0. |
ExclusiveCanonicalXMLWithComments | The Exclusive XML Canonicalization 1.0 with comments. |
ExclusiveCanonicalXMLWithoutComments | The Exclusive XML Canonicalization 1.0 without comments. |
FileSystemDirectoryCertStore | Creates a CertStore from the contents of a file-system directory. |
FileSystemKeyStoreKeyingDataProvider | A specification of KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider for file-system keystores. |
GenericAlgorithm | A representation of an algorithm for general purpose use. |
GenericDOMData | A generic DOM container. |
GenericDOMDataStructureVerifier |
IdentifierType | The object IdentifierType as defined in XAdES. |
IndividualDataObjsTimeStampData | |
IndividualDataObjsTimeStampProperty | Represents a time-stamp computed before the signature production, over a sequence
formed by some of the ds:Reference elements within the ds:SignedInfo
referencing whatever the signer wants to sign except the SignedProperties element. |
InvalidFormExtensionException | Thrown during signature verification (with form extension) when the form transition is invalid. |
InvalidKeyInfoDataException | Thrown during the verification process if the KeyInfo element doesn't
include the needed data to identify the signing certificate. |
InvalidPropertyException | Base for exceptions thrown during the validation of qualifying properties. |
InvalidSignatureException | Base exception for signature verification errors. |
InvalidXAdESFormException | Thrown when the signature doesn't fulfill the rules for the XAdES forms. |
KeyingDataException | Base class for exceptions related to tha signing key and certificate chain. |
KeyingDataProvider | Used in signature production to get the signing key/certificate. |
KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider | A KeyStore-based implementation of KeyingDataProvider . |
KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider.KeyEntryPasswordProvider | Provides a password to access a keystore entry. |
KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider.KeyStoreBuilderCreator | Gets a builder that will create the keystore instance. |
KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider.KeyStorePasswordProvider | Provides a password to load the keystore. |
KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider.SigningCertSelector | Used to select a certificate from the available certificates. |
MarshalException | Thrown when there is an error during the marshalling process. |
MarshallingBindingsModule | Contains the Guice bindings for the components on this package. |
MessageDigestEngineProvider | Interface for providers of message digest engines. |
MessageDigestUtils |
ObjectFactory | This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the xades4j.xml.bind.xades package. |
ObjectFactory | This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the xades4j.xml.bind.xmldsig package. |
ObjectIdentifier | An object identifier which may be an URI or an OID. |
ObjectUtils | Utility methods for objects. |
OtherPropertyData | |
OtherSignedDataObjectProperty | Base class for custom signed data object properties. |
OtherSignedSignatureProperty | Base class for custom signed signature properties. |
OtherUnsignedDataObjectProperty | Base class for custom unsigned data object properties. |
OtherUnsignedSignatureProperty | Base class for custom unsigned signature properties. |
PKCS11KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider | A specification of KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider for PKCS#11 keystores. |
PKIXCertificateValidationProvider | Implementation of CertificateValidationProvider using a PKIX CertPathBuilder . |
PropDataStructVerifier | |
PropertiesDataGenerationContext | Context used during the generation of the properties low-level data (property data objects). |
PropertiesDataObjectsStructureVerifier | |
PropertiesMarshaller | Interface for property data objects marshallers. |
PropertiesSet<T> | A generic bag of properties used to store properties that apply to a specific target (data object descriptions, signature properties collector, signed data objects). |
PropertiesUtils | |
PropertyDataGenerationException | Thrown when there is an error generating a property data object. |
PropertyDataGeneratorErrorException | Thrown when a PropertyDataObjectGenerator returns null . |
PropertyDataGeneratorNotAvailableException | Thrown when the PropertyDataObjectGenerator for a property cannot be
found. |
PropertyDataObject | |
PropertyDataObjectGenerator<TProp extends QualifyingProperty> | Interface for generators of property data objects. |
PropertyDataObjectStructureVerifier | |
PropertyDataStructureException | |
PropertyDataStructureVerifierNotAvailableException | |
PropertyInfo | |
PropertyTargetException | Indicates that a property couldn't be added to a target, such as a data object description. |
PropertyUnmarshalException | Thrown when there is an error unmarshalling a property data object. |
PropertyVerifierErrorException |
QualifyingProperties | |
QualifyingPropertiesDataCollector | Passed to a QualifyingPropertiesUnmarshaller to collect the property
data obejcts. |
QualifyingPropertiesIncorporationException | Thrown during signature verification if the signature doesn't fulfill the properties incorporation rules. |
QualifyingPropertiesUnmarshaller | Interface for unmarshallers of property data objects. |
QualifyingProperty | Base interface for all the qualifying properties. |
QualifyingPropertyVerificationContext | The context available during the verification of the qualifying properties. |
QualifyingPropertyVerificationContext.CertificationChainData | |
QualifyingPropertyVerificationContext.SignedObjectsData | The find methods assume that object references are same-document references. |
QualifyingPropertyVerifier<TData extends PropertyDataObject> | Verifies a property accordingly to the XAdES verification rules. |
QualifyingPropertyVerifierNotAvailableException | Thrown during the verification of qualifyig properties if a verifier is not found for one of the property data objects. |
RawDataObjectDesc | A simple representation of a signed data object. |
RawSignatureVerifier | Interface for verifiers that are applied after signature unmarshalling and before any actual verification. |
RawSignatureVerifier.RawSignatureVerifierContext | The context for RawSignatureVerifier s. |
ReferenceValueException | Thrown during signature verification when the core verification fails due to reference validation. |
RevocationValuesData | |
RevocationValuesProperty | The RevocationValues property is an optional unsigned property and qualifies
the XML signature. |
SigAndDataObjPropsPair<TSigProp, TDataObjProp> | Container for a pair of property collections (signature and data object). |
SigAndDataObjsPropertiesData | |
SigAndRefsTimeStampData | |
SigAndRefsTimeStampProperty | The SigAndRefsTimeStamp element is an unsigned property qualifying
the signature. |
SignatureAppendingStrategies | |
SignaturePolicyBase | Base class for the SignaturePolicyIdentifier property. |
SignaturePolicyCannotDigestException | Thrown during verification of the SignaturePolicyIdentifier property
if the digest of the policy document cannot be calculated (the algorithm is not
available). |
SignaturePolicyData | |
SignaturePolicyDigestMismatchException | Thrown during verification of the SignaturePolicyIdentifier property
if the actual digest of the policy document and the digest contained in the
property are different. |
SignaturePolicyDocumentProvider | Provider of signature policy documents. |
SignaturePolicyIdentifierProperty | An explicit and unambiguous identifier of a signature policy. |
SignaturePolicyImpliedProperty | An implied signature policy, used when the policy can be unambiguously derived from the semantics of the type of data object(s) being signed. |
SignaturePolicyInfoProvider | Provides the signature policy to be used in a XAdES-EPES. |
SignaturePolicyNotAvailableException | Thrown during verification of the SignaturePolicyIdentifier property
if there is an error acessing the policy document stream. |
SignaturePolicyVerificationException | Base for exceptions during verification of the SignaturePolicyIdentifier
property. |
SignatureProdPlaceData | |
SignatureProductionPlaceProperty | The SignatureProductionPlace property indicates the purported place
where the signer was at the time of signature creation. |
SignaturePropertiesCollector | Interface for the collector of signature properties. |
SignaturePropertiesProvider | Interface for providers of signature properties. |
SignatureProperty | Base class for all the signature properties. |
SignatureSpecificVerificationOptions | Represents verification options that are specific to a signature, i.e., options that are not profile-wide. |
SignatureTimeStampData | |
SignatureTimeStampProperty | The SignatureTimeStamp property encapsulates the time-stamp over the
ds:SignatureValue element. |
SignatureValueException | Thrown during signature verification if the process fails due to an invalid signature value but the references digests are correct. |
SignedDataObjectProperty | Base class for all the signed data object properties. |
SignedDataObjects | Represents a set of data objects to be signed. |
SignedProperties | |
SignedPropertiesMarshaller | |
SignedSignatureProperty | Base class for all the signed signature properties. |
SignerRoleData | |
SignerRoleProperty | Represents the SingerRole signed signature property. |
SigningCertChainException | Thrown when there's an error getting the signing certificate. |
SigningCertificateCertsNotInCertPathException | Thrown during verification of the SigningCertificate property if the
property contains one or more references to certificates that are not part of
the certification path. |
SigningCertificateData | |
SigningCertificateIssuerSerialMismatchException | Thrown during verification of the SigningCertificate property if the
issuer/serial on KeyInfo is different from the one in the signing certificate
reference. |
SigningCertificateProperty | The SigningCertificate property is designed to prevent the simple substitution
of the certificate. |
SigningCertificateReferenceException | Thrown during verification of the SigningCertificate property if the
validation of one of the certificate references fails. |
SigningCertificateReferenceNotFoundException | Thrown during verification of the SigningCertificate property if a reference
for the signing certificate is not present in the property. |
SigningCertificateVerificationException | Base for exceptions during verification of the SigningCertificate property. |
SigningCertKeyUsageException | Thrown during the signature prodution if the key usage in the signing certificate (if available) doesn't include digitalSignature nor nonRepudiation. |
SigningCertRequirementException | Base class for exceptions related to signing certificate requirements. |
SigningCertValidityException | Thrown during signature production when the signing certificate is not within its validity period. |
SigningKeyException | Thrown when there's an error getting the signing key. |
SigningTimeData | |
SigningTimeProperty | The SigningTime property specifies the time at which the signer (purportedly)
performed the signing process. |
SigningTimeVerificationException | Thrown during verification of the SigningTime property if the time contained
in the property is not before the verification time. |
StreamUtils | Utility methods for streams. |
StringUtils | Utility methods for strings. |
TimeStampCoherenceException | Thrown during signature verification if the time-stamps contained in the signature are not coherent. |
TimeStampDigestInput | Builder of inputs for time-stamps. |
TimeStampDigestInputException | Thrown during verification of time-stamp properties if the input for digest calculation cannot be created. |
TimeStampDigestInputFactory | Factory for builders of timestamp inputs. |
TimeStampDigestMismatchException | Thrown during verification of time-stamp properties if the actual digest of the data covered by the time-stamp is different from the digest within the time-stamp. |
TimeStampInvalidSignatureException | Thrown during verification of time-stamp properties if the signature of a time-stamp token cannot be verified |
TimeStampInvalidTokenException | Thrown during verification of time-stamp properties if the token's structure (format) is invalid. |
TimeStampTokenDigestException | Thrown when digests mismatch during a time-stamp token verification. |
TimeStampTokenGenerationException | Thrown when a time-stamp token cannot be generated. |
TimeStampTokenProvider | Provider of time-stamp tokens. |
TimeStampTokenProvider.TimeStampTokenRes | |
TimeStampTokenSignatureException | Thrown when the signature of a time-stamp token cannot be verified. |
TimeStampTokenStructureException | Thrown when a time-stamp token has invalid structure. |
TimeStampTokenTSACertException | Thrown when the certificate of a TSA cannot be validated during the verification of a time-stamp token. |
TimeStampTokenVerificationException | Base for exceptions during time-stamp token verification. |
TimeStampVerificationException | Base for exceptions during verification of time-stamp properties. |
TimeStampVerificationProvider | Provides verification of time-stamp tokens. |
TSAHttpAuthenticationData | Configuration to access a TSA using HTTP authentication. |
UnexpectedJCAException | Thrown if there is an unexpected error when using the JCA. |
UnmarshalException | Thrown when there's an error during signature unmarshalling. |
UnmarshallingBindingsModule | Contains the Guice bindings for the components on this package. |
UnsignedDataObjectProperty | Base class for all the unsigned data object properties. |
UnsignedProperties | |
UnsignedPropertiesMarshaller | Interface for unsigned properties data objects marshalling. |
UnsignedSignatureProperty | Base class for all the unsigned signature properties. |
UnsupportedAlgorithmException | Thrown throughout the library when an algorithm (signature, digest, canonicalization) is not supported by the library itself or by the underlying XML-DSIG implementation. |
UnsupportedDataObjectException | Thrown during the marshalling stage if a proeprty data object is not supported
by the PropertiesMarshaller s in use. |
UtilsBindingsModule | Contains the Guice bindings for the components on this package. |
ValidationData | Container of validation data (certificates and corresponding CRLs). |
ValidationDataException | Thrown when a ValidationDataProvider cannot provide the validation data. |
ValidationDataFromCertValidationProvider | An implementation of ValidationDataProvider that obtains the validation
data by validating the certificate. |
ValidationDataProvider | Provides the validation data that should be used to validate a signing certificate. |
XAdES4jException | Base class for all the library exceptions. |
XAdES4jXMLSigException | Thrown during sugnature production or verification when an error occurs that is related to the core XML-DSIG processing and couldn't be further detailed. |
XadesBesSigningProfile | A profile for producing XAdES-BES signatures. |
XadesCSigningProfile | A profile for producing XAdES-C signatures. |
XadesEpesSigningProfile | A profile for producing XAdES-EPES signatures. |
XAdESForm | The different XAdES signature forms. |
XadesFormatExtenderProfile | A profile for signature format enrichment, after verification. |
XadesProfileCore | Helper class that implements the core logic of profile resolution based on a series of dependencies. |
XadesProfileResolutionException | Thrown when an instance requested to a profile cannot be created. |
XadesSignatureFormatExtender | Interface for signature enrichment. |
XadesSignatureResult | The result of signature production. |
XadesSigner | Interface for a producer of signatures. |
XadesSigner.SignatureAppendingStrategy | A strategy to append the signature element to a document's DOM tree using a given node as reference. |
XadesSigningProfile | A profile for signature production. |
XadesTSigningProfile | A profile for producing XAdES-T signatures. |
XadesVerificationProfile | A profile for signature verification. |
XAdESVerificationResult | The result of signature verification. |
XadesVerifier | Interface for a verifier of signatures. |
XmlAnyType | Java class for AnyType complex type. |
XmlCanonicalizationMethodType | Java class for CanonicalizationMethodType complex type. |
XmlCertIDListType | Java class for CertIDListType complex type. |
XmlCertIDType | Java class for CertIDType complex type. |
XmlCertificateValuesType | Java class for CertificateValuesType complex type. |
XmlCertifiedRolesListType | Java class for CertifiedRolesListType complex type. |
XmlClaimedRolesListType | Java class for ClaimedRolesListType complex type. |
XmlCommitmentTypeIndicationType | Java class for CommitmentTypeIndicationType complex type. |
XmlCommitmentTypeQualifiersListType | Java class for CommitmentTypeQualifiersListType complex type. |
XmlCompleteCertificateRefsType | Java class for CompleteCertificateRefsType complex type. |
XmlCompleteRevocationRefsType | Java class for CompleteRevocationRefsType complex type. |
XmlCounterSignatureType | Java class for CounterSignatureType complex type. |
XmlCRLIdentifierType | Java class for CRLIdentifierType complex type. |
XmlCRLRefsType | Java class for CRLRefsType complex type. |
XmlCRLRefType | Java class for CRLRefType complex type. |
XmlCRLValuesType | Java class for CRLValuesType complex type. |
XmlDataObjectFormatType | Java class for DataObjectFormatType complex type. |
XmlDigestAlgAndValueType | Java class for DigestAlgAndValueType complex type. |
XmlDigestMethodType | Java class for DigestMethodType complex type. |
XmlDocumentationReferencesType | Java class for DocumentationReferencesType complex type. |
XmlDSAKeyValueType | Java class for DSAKeyValueType complex type. |
XmlEncapsulatedPKIDataType | Java class for EncapsulatedPKIDataType complex type. |
XmlGenericTimeStampType | Java class for GenericTimeStampType complex type. |
XmlIdentifierType | Java class for IdentifierType complex type. |
XmlIncludeType | Java class for IncludeType complex type. |
XmlIntegerListType | Java class for IntegerListType complex type. |
XmlKeyInfoType | Java class for KeyInfoType complex type. |
XmlKeyValueType | Java class for KeyValueType complex type. |
XmlManifestType | Java class for ManifestType complex type. |
XmlNoticeReferenceType | Java class for NoticeReferenceType complex type. |
XmlObjectIdentifierType | Java class for ObjectIdentifierType complex type. |
XmlObjectType | Java class for ObjectType complex type. |
XmlOCSPIdentifierType | Java class for OCSPIdentifierType complex type. |
XmlOCSPRefsType | Java class for OCSPRefsType complex type. |
XmlOCSPRefType | Java class for OCSPRefType complex type. |
XmlOCSPValuesType | Java class for OCSPValuesType complex type. |
XmlOtherCertStatusRefsType | Java class for OtherCertStatusRefsType complex type. |
XmlOtherCertStatusValuesType | Java class for OtherCertStatusValuesType complex type. |
XmlOtherTimeStampType | Java class for OtherTimeStampType complex type. |
XmlPGPDataType | Java class for PGPDataType complex type. |
XmlQualifierType | Java class for QualifierType. |
XmlQualifyingPropertiesReferenceType | Java class for QualifyingPropertiesReferenceType complex type. |
XmlQualifyingPropertiesType | Java class for QualifyingPropertiesType complex type. |
XmlReferenceInfoType | Java class for ReferenceInfoType complex type. |
XmlReferenceType | Java class for ReferenceType complex type. |
XmlResponderIDType | Java class for ResponderIDType complex type. |
XmlRetrievalMethodType | Java class for RetrievalMethodType complex type. |
XmlRevocationValuesType | Java class for RevocationValuesType complex type. |
XmlRSAKeyValueType | Java class for RSAKeyValueType complex type. |
XmlSignatureMethodType | Java class for SignatureMethodType complex type. |
XmlSignaturePolicyIdentifierType | Java class for SignaturePolicyIdentifierType complex type. |
XmlSignaturePolicyIdType | Java class for SignaturePolicyIdType complex type. |
XmlSignatureProductionPlaceType | Java class for SignatureProductionPlaceType complex type. |
XmlSignaturePropertiesType | Java class for SignaturePropertiesType complex type. |
XmlSignaturePropertyType | Java class for SignaturePropertyType complex type. |
XmlSignatureType | Java class for SignatureType complex type. |
XmlSignatureValueType | Java class for SignatureValueType complex type. |
XmlSignedDataObjectPropertiesType | Java class for SignedDataObjectPropertiesType complex type. |
XmlSignedInfoType | Java class for SignedInfoType complex type. |
XmlSignedPropertiesType | Java class for SignedPropertiesType complex type. |
XmlSignedSignaturePropertiesType | Java class for SignedSignaturePropertiesType complex type. |
XmlSignerRoleType | Java class for SignerRoleType complex type. |
XmlSigPolicyQualifiersListType | Java class for SigPolicyQualifiersListType complex type. |
XmlSPKIDataType | Java class for SPKIDataType complex type. |
XmlSPUserNoticeType | Java class for SPUserNoticeType complex type. |
XmlTransformsType | Java class for TransformsType complex type. |
XmlTransformType | Java class for TransformType complex type. |
XmlUnsignedDataObjectPropertiesType | Java class for UnsignedDataObjectPropertiesType complex type. |
XmlUnsignedPropertiesType | Java class for UnsignedPropertiesType complex type. |
XmlUnsignedSignaturePropertiesType | Java class for UnsignedSignaturePropertiesType complex type. |
XmlValidationDataType | Java class for ValidationDataType complex type. |
XmlX509DataType | Java class for X509DataType complex type. |
XmlX509IssuerSerialType | Java class for X509IssuerSerialType complex type. |
XmlXAdESTimeStampType | Java class for XAdESTimeStampType complex type. |
XPath2FilterTransform | The XPath 2.0 transform. |
XPath2FilterTransform.XPath2Filter | A filter for the XPath 2.0 transform. |
XPathTransform | The XPath filtering transform. |