public abstract class


extends Object
implements KeyingDataProvider
   ↳ xades4j.providers.impl.KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider
Known Direct Subclasses

Class Overview

A KeyStore-based implementation of KeyingDataProvider. The keystore is loaded on first access (thread-safe).

The following procedure is done to get the signing certificate:

  1. Get all the X509Certificates in private key entries
  2. Invoke the supplied SigningCertSelector to choose the certificate and thus the entry
  3. Get the entry alias matching the selected certificate
  4. Get the certificate chain for that entry

The following procedure is done to get the signing key:

  1. Get the entry alias matching the provided certificate
  2. Get the protection to access that entry
  3. Return the entry's private key


Nested Classes
interface KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider.KeyEntryPasswordProvider Provides a password to access a keystore entry. 
interface KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider.KeyStoreBuilderCreator Gets a builder that will create the keystore instance. 
interface KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider.KeyStorePasswordProvider Provides a password to load the keystore. 
interface KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider.SigningCertSelector Used to select a certificate from the available certificates. 
Protected Constructors
KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider(KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider.KeyStoreBuilderCreator builderCreator, KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider.SigningCertSelector certificateSelector, KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider.KeyStorePasswordProvider storePasswordProvider, KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider.KeyEntryPasswordProvider entryPasswordProvider, boolean returnFullChain)
Public Methods
List<X509Certificate> getSigningCertificateChain()
Gets the signing certificate chain to be used in an ongoing signature operation.
PrivateKey getSigningKey(X509Certificate signingCert)
Gets the signing key that matches a signing certificate.
Protected Methods
abstract KeyStore.ProtectionParameter getKeyProtection(String entryAlias, X509Certificate entryCert, KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider.KeyEntryPasswordProvider entryPasswordProvider)
Gets a protection parameter to access the specified entry.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface xades4j.providers.KeyingDataProvider

Protected Constructors

protected KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider (KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider.KeyStoreBuilderCreator builderCreator, KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider.SigningCertSelector certificateSelector, KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider.KeyStorePasswordProvider storePasswordProvider, KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider.KeyEntryPasswordProvider entryPasswordProvider, boolean returnFullChain)

returnFullChain return the full certificate chain, if available

Public Methods

public List<X509Certificate> getSigningCertificateChain ()

Gets the signing certificate chain to be used in an ongoing signature operation. At least the signing certificate must be present. Other certificates may be present, possibly up to the trust anchor.

  • the signing certificate (chain)

public PrivateKey getSigningKey (X509Certificate signingCert)

Gets the signing key that matches a signing certificate. The certificate supplied to this method is ALWAYS the first of the collection returned in the previous call to getSigningCertificateChain.

signingCert the certificate for which the corresponding key should be returned
  • the private key that matches signingCert

Protected Methods

protected abstract KeyStore.ProtectionParameter getKeyProtection (String entryAlias, X509Certificate entryCert, KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider.KeyEntryPasswordProvider entryPasswordProvider)

Gets a protection parameter to access the specified entry.

entryAlias the alias of the entry that is being accessed
entryCert the cerificate in the entry
entryPasswordProvider the password provider that should be used to get the actual password (may be null)
  • the protection