public interface


Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Used in signature production to get the signing key/certificate.


Public Methods
abstract List<X509Certificate> getSigningCertificateChain()
Gets the signing certificate chain to be used in an ongoing signature operation.
abstract PrivateKey getSigningKey(X509Certificate signingCert)
Gets the signing key that matches a signing certificate.

Public Methods

public abstract List<X509Certificate> getSigningCertificateChain ()

Gets the signing certificate chain to be used in an ongoing signature operation. At least the signing certificate must be present. Other certificates may be present, possibly up to the trust anchor.

  • the signing certificate (chain)
SigningCertChainException if the signing certificate (chain) couldn't be obtained
UnexpectedJCAException when an unexpected platform error occurs

public abstract PrivateKey getSigningKey (X509Certificate signingCert)

Gets the signing key that matches a signing certificate. The certificate supplied to this method is ALWAYS the first of the collection returned in the previous call to getSigningCertificateChain.

signingCert the certificate for which the corresponding key should be returned
  • the private key that matches signingCert
SigningKeyException if the signing key couldn't be obtained
UnexpectedJCAException when an unexpected platform error occurs