

Support for signature production.

The entry points for producing a signature are the XadesSigningProfile subclasses which enable the creation of a XadesSigner.

The library supports producing XAdES-BES, XAdES-EPES, XAdES-T and XAdES-C.


PropertyDataObjectGenerator<TProp extends QualifyingProperty> Interface for generators of property data objects. 
XadesSignatureFormatExtender Interface for signature enrichment. 
XadesSigner Interface for a producer of signatures. 
XadesSigner.SignatureAppendingStrategy A strategy to append the signature element to a document's DOM tree using a given node as reference. 


AnonymousDataObjectReference A null URI data reference. 
DataObjectReference A reference to a signed data object. 
Enveloped Utility class to create enveloped signature. 
EnvelopedXmlObject Represents content (tipically XML) that will be enveloped in the signature. 
PropertiesDataGenerationContext Context used during the generation of the properties low-level data (property data objects). 
SignedDataObjects Represents a set of data objects to be signed. 
XadesBesSigningProfile A profile for producing XAdES-BES signatures. 
XadesCSigningProfile A profile for producing XAdES-C signatures. 
XadesEpesSigningProfile A profile for producing XAdES-EPES signatures. 
XadesFormatExtenderProfile A profile for signature format enrichment, after verification. 
XadesSignatureResult The result of signature production. 
XadesSigningProfile A profile for signature production. 
XadesTSigningProfile A profile for producing XAdES-T signatures. 


KeyingDataException Base class for exceptions related to tha signing key and certificate chain. 
PropertyDataGenerationException Thrown when there is an error generating a property data object. 
PropertyDataGeneratorErrorException Thrown when a PropertyDataObjectGenerator returns null
PropertyDataGeneratorNotAvailableException Thrown when the PropertyDataObjectGenerator for a property cannot be found. 
SigningCertKeyUsageException Thrown during the signature prodution if the key usage in the signing certificate (if available) doesn't include digitalSignature nor nonRepudiation
SigningCertRequirementException Base class for exceptions related to signing certificate requirements. 
SigningCertValidityException Thrown during signature production when the signing certificate is not within its validity period.