

Support for signature verification.

The entry points for producing a signature is the XadesVerificationProfile class which enables the creation of a XadesVerifier. The library supports verification of XAdES-BES, XAdES-EPES, XAdES-T and XAdES-C.

A signature being verified can also be augmented to XAdES-T, XAdES-C, XAdES-X and XAdES-X-L.


CustomSignatureVerifier Interface for custom signature verifiers. 
QualifyingPropertyVerifier<TData extends PropertyDataObject> Verifies a property accordingly to the XAdES verification rules. 
RawSignatureVerifier Interface for verifiers that are applied after signature unmarshalling and before any actual verification. 
XadesVerifier Interface for a verifier of signatures. 


QualifyingPropertyVerificationContext The context available during the verification of the qualifying properties. 
QualifyingPropertyVerificationContext.SignedObjectsData The find methods assume that object references are same-document references. 
RawDataObjectDesc A simple representation of a signed data object. 
RawSignatureVerifier.RawSignatureVerifierContext The context for RawSignatureVerifiers. 
SignatureSpecificVerificationOptions Represents verification options that are specific to a signature, i.e., options that are not profile-wide. 
XadesVerificationProfile A profile for signature verification. 
XAdESVerificationResult The result of signature verification. 


XAdESForm The different XAdES signature forms. 


CommitmentTypeVerificationException Thrown during verification of the CommitmentTypeIndication property if it contains an object reference that doesn't match any Reference in the signature. 
CompleteCertRefsCertNotFoundException Thrown during verification of the CompleteCertificateRefs property if a reference for a certificate in the certification path is not found in the property. 
CompleteCertRefsReferenceException Thrown during verification of the CompleteCertificateRefs property if the digest on a reference doesn't match the actual digest of the corresponding certificate. 
CompleteCertRefsVerificationException Base for exceptions during verification of the CompleteCertificateRefs property. 
CompleteRevocRefsCRLsNotAvailableException Thrown during verification of the CompleteRevocationRefs property if no CRLs were supplied when validating the signing certificate. 
CompleteRevocRefsReferenceException Thrown during the verification of the CompleteRevocationRefs property if a CRL reference cannot be verified or is not found. 
CompleteRevocRefsVerificationException Base for exceptions during verification of the CompleteRevocationRefs property. 
CoreVerificationException Base for errors when the core (XML-DSIG) verification fails. 
CounterSignatureSigValueRefException Throw during validation of the CounterSignature property if the enclosed signature doesn't reference the SignatureValue element of the countersigned signature. 
CounterSignatureXadesVerificationException Throw during validation of the CounterSignature property if the XAdES verification of the signature fails. 
DataObjectFormatMismatchException Thrown during validation of the DataObjectFormat property if the corresponding Reference references an Object and mime-type and/or encoding in the property an in the Object are not equal. 
DataObjectFormatReferenceException Thrown during validation of the DataObjectFormat property if the target Reference cannot be found. 
DataObjectFormatVerificationException Base for exceptions during verification of the DataObjectFormat property. 
InvalidFormExtensionException Thrown during signature verification (with form extension) when the form transition is invalid. 
InvalidKeyInfoDataException Thrown during the verification process if the KeyInfo element doesn't include the needed data to identify the signing certificate. 
InvalidPropertyException Base for exceptions thrown during the validation of qualifying properties. 
InvalidSignatureException Base exception for signature verification errors. 
InvalidXAdESFormException Thrown when the signature doesn't fulfill the rules for the XAdES forms. 
QualifyingPropertiesIncorporationException Thrown during signature verification if the signature doesn't fulfill the properties incorporation rules. 
QualifyingPropertyVerifierNotAvailableException Thrown during the verification of qualifyig properties if a verifier is not found for one of the property data objects. 
ReferenceValueException Thrown during signature verification when the core verification fails due to reference validation. 
SignaturePolicyCannotDigestException Thrown during verification of the SignaturePolicyIdentifier property if the digest of the policy document cannot be calculated (the algorithm is not available). 
SignaturePolicyDigestMismatchException Thrown during verification of the SignaturePolicyIdentifier property if the actual digest of the policy document and the digest contained in the property are different. 
SignaturePolicyNotAvailableException Thrown during verification of the SignaturePolicyIdentifier property if there is an error acessing the policy document stream. 
SignaturePolicyVerificationException Base for exceptions during verification of the SignaturePolicyIdentifier property. 
SignatureValueException Thrown during signature verification if the process fails due to an invalid signature value but the references digests are correct. 
SigningCertificateCertsNotInCertPathException Thrown during verification of the SigningCertificate property if the property contains one or more references to certificates that are not part of the certification path. 
SigningCertificateIssuerSerialMismatchException Thrown during verification of the SigningCertificate property if the issuer/serial on KeyInfo is different from the one in the signing certificate reference. 
SigningCertificateReferenceException Thrown during verification of the SigningCertificate property if the validation of one of the certificate references fails. 
SigningCertificateReferenceNotFoundException Thrown during verification of the SigningCertificate property if a reference for the signing certificate is not present in the property. 
SigningCertificateVerificationException Base for exceptions during verification of the SigningCertificate property. 
SigningTimeVerificationException Thrown during verification of the SigningTime property if the time contained in the property is not before the verification time. 
TimeStampCoherenceException Thrown during signature verification if the time-stamps contained in the signature are not coherent. 
TimeStampDigestInputException Thrown during verification of time-stamp properties if the input for digest calculation cannot be created. 
TimeStampDigestMismatchException Thrown during verification of time-stamp properties if the actual digest of the data covered by the time-stamp is different from the digest within the time-stamp. 
TimeStampInvalidSignatureException Thrown during verification of time-stamp properties if the signature of a time-stamp token cannot be verified 
TimeStampInvalidTokenException Thrown during verification of time-stamp properties if the token's structure (format) is invalid. 
TimeStampVerificationException Base for exceptions during verification of time-stamp properties. 
UnexpectedJCAException Thrown if there is an unexpected error when using the JCA.