
Types that represent the different XAdES qualifying properties.

The QualifyingProperty class is the root for the whole hierarchy. There are types for all the properties in the main forms of XAdES 1.4.1 but the library also supports adding new properties.


QualifyingProperty Base interface for all the qualifying properties. 


AllDataObjsCommitmentTypeProperty A commitment type that applies to all the signed data objects. 
AllDataObjsTimeStampProperty Represents a time-stamp computed before the signature production, over the sequence formed by ALL the ds:Reference elements within the ds:SignedInfo referencing whatever the signer wants to sign except the SignedProperties element. 
ArchiveTimeStampProperty The xades141:ArchiveTimeStamp unsigned signature property. 
CertificateValuesProperty The CertificateValues is an optional unsigned property and qualifies the XML signature. 
CommitmentTypeProperty A commitment type that applies to some signed data objects. 
CommitmentTypePropertyBase Base class for the CommitmentTypeIndication property. 
CompleteCertificateRefsProperty The CompleteCertificateRefs property which contains the sequence of references to the full set of CA certificates that have been used to validate the electronic signature up to (but not including) the signer's certificate. 
CompleteRevocationRefsProperty The property contains a sequence of references to the full set of revocation data that have been used in the validation of the signer and CA certificates. 
CounterSignatureProperty Represents the CounterSignature unsigned signature property. 
DataObjectDesc Base class for descriptions of the signed data objects. 
DataObjectFormatProperty Represents the DataObjectFormat signed data object property. 
DataObjectProperty Base class for all the data object properties. 
DataObjectTransform This class is deprecated. This class is deprecated and might be removed on future releases 
IndividualDataObjsTimeStampProperty Represents a time-stamp computed before the signature production, over a sequence formed by some of the ds:Reference elements within the ds:SignedInfo referencing whatever the signer wants to sign except the SignedProperties element. 
ObjectIdentifier An object identifier which may be an URI or an OID. 
OtherSignedDataObjectProperty Base class for custom signed data object properties. 
OtherSignedSignatureProperty Base class for custom signed signature properties. 
OtherUnsignedDataObjectProperty Base class for custom unsigned data object properties. 
OtherUnsignedSignatureProperty Base class for custom unsigned signature properties. 
RevocationValuesProperty The RevocationValues property is an optional unsigned property and qualifies the XML signature. 
SigAndRefsTimeStampProperty The SigAndRefsTimeStamp element is an unsigned property qualifying the signature. 
SignaturePolicyBase Base class for the SignaturePolicyIdentifier property. 
SignaturePolicyIdentifierProperty An explicit and unambiguous identifier of a signature policy. 
SignaturePolicyImpliedProperty An implied signature policy, used when the policy can be unambiguously derived from the semantics of the type of data object(s) being signed. 
SignatureProductionPlaceProperty The SignatureProductionPlace property indicates the purported place where the signer was at the time of signature creation. 
SignatureProperty Base class for all the signature properties. 
SignatureTimeStampProperty The SignatureTimeStamp property encapsulates the time-stamp over the ds:SignatureValue element. 
SignedDataObjectProperty Base class for all the signed data object properties. 
SignedSignatureProperty Base class for all the signed signature properties. 
SignerRoleProperty Represents the SingerRole signed signature property. 
SigningCertificateProperty The SigningCertificate property is designed to prevent the simple substitution of the certificate. 
SigningTimeProperty The SigningTime property specifies the time at which the signer (purportedly) performed the signing process. 
UnsignedDataObjectProperty Base class for all the unsigned data object properties. 
UnsignedSignatureProperty Base class for all the unsigned signature properties. 


DataObjectProperty.TargetMultiplicity Represents the number of data objects that a property can be applied to. 
IdentifierType The object IdentifierType as defined in XAdES. 


PropertyTargetException Indicates that a property couldn't be added to a target, such as a data object description.