

Interfaces for the different components in signature production and verification.


AlgorithmsProvider This interface is deprecated. This interface is deprecated and might be removed in future versions. 
AlgorithmsProviderEx Interface for providers of algorithms information for signature production. 
BasicSignatureOptionsProvider Provides basic signature options such as whether ds:KeyInfo elements should be included. 
CertificateValidationProvider Provides validation of certificates. 
DataObjectPropertiesProvider Represents a provider of data object properties. 
KeyingDataProvider Used in signature production to get the signing key/certificate. 
MessageDigestEngineProvider Interface for providers of message digest engines. 
SignaturePolicyDocumentProvider Provider of signature policy documents. 
SignaturePolicyInfoProvider Provides the signature policy to be used in a XAdES-EPES. 
SignaturePropertiesCollector Interface for the collector of signature properties. 
SignaturePropertiesProvider Interface for providers of signature properties. 
TimeStampTokenProvider Provider of time-stamp tokens. 
TimeStampVerificationProvider Provides verification of time-stamp tokens. 
ValidationDataProvider Provides the validation data that should be used to validate a signing certificate. 


ValidationData Container of validation data (certificates and corresponding CRLs). 


CannotBuildCertificationPathException Thrown when the CertificateValidationProvider cannot build a certification path. 
CannotSelectCertificateException Thrown when there is no criteria to select the signing certificate. 
CertificateValidationException Base for exceptions during certificate validation. 
SigningCertChainException Thrown when there's an error getting the signing certificate. 
SigningKeyException Thrown when there's an error getting the signing key. 
TimeStampTokenDigestException Thrown when digests mismatch during a time-stamp token verification. 
TimeStampTokenGenerationException Thrown when a time-stamp token cannot be generated. 
TimeStampTokenSignatureException Thrown when the signature of a time-stamp token cannot be verified. 
TimeStampTokenStructureException Thrown when a time-stamp token has invalid structure. 
TimeStampTokenTSACertException Thrown when the certificate of a TSA cannot be validated during the verification of a time-stamp token. 
TimeStampTokenVerificationException Base for exceptions during time-stamp token verification. 
ValidationDataException Thrown when a ValidationDataProvider cannot provide the validation data.