public interface



Class Overview

Interface for unmarshallers of property data objects.

Built-in implementation is based on JAXB and supports all the unsigned properties data objects up to XAdES-C, except SignerRole and attributes validation data properties.


Public Methods
abstract void setAcceptUnknownProperties(boolean accept)
Indicates if unknown unsigned properties should be accepted.
abstract void unmarshalProperties(Element qualifyingProps, QualifyingPropertiesDataCollector propertyDataCollector)
Unmarshal the properties in the given QualifyingProperties node.

Public Methods

public abstract void setAcceptUnknownProperties (boolean accept)

Indicates if unknown unsigned properties should be accepted. If so, they should be returned with instances of GenericDOMData.

accept true if unknown properties should be accepted

public abstract void unmarshalProperties (Element qualifyingProps, QualifyingPropertiesDataCollector propertyDataCollector)

Unmarshal the properties in the given QualifyingProperties node. The resulting property data objects should be added to the collector.

qualifyingProps the qualifying properties element
propertyDataCollector the collector of property data objects
UnmarshalException if there's an error (may be PropertyUnmarshalException)